10 Tips to Improve your Health this Autumn


Over the last week or so I've noticed that the evenings are getting darker earlier and there is that slight nip in the air that signals colder days to come.

Despite the cold weather, I love autumn. The most stunning shades of gold, red and orange can be seen in nature and it is a time when we can start to reflect and welcome changes.

Check out these 10 tips to help you stay happy and healthy this autumn.

  1. It is even more important during the autumn months to get regular fresh air and to be outside. With the shorter days, the amount of natural light that we are exposed to decreases significantly - particularly if we are working long hours indoors. Try to take a 10-15 minute walk during the day even if it is just around the block.

  2. Allergies can still affect many people during autumn particularly mould, dust and fur. See remedies for hay fever tips.

  3. Stay hydrated! We need to drink just as much water during autumn and winter as we do in the summer, as the colder weather and central heating can wreak havoc on our skin. Herbal teas and vegetable soups can contribute to your hydration levels.that help with allergies.

  4. The shorter days and long nights can sometimes negatively affect our mood, with conditions such as seasonal affective disorder becoming more prominent at this time. Burning or wearing essential oils like orange and rosemary can be very uplifting.

  5. Eat with the seasons - eating seasonally means you can eat fruit and vegetables at their best, with the highest nutritional value. If you know me, you know how much I love the farmer’s market. If you are unsure what to eat at this time of year, visit your local farmer’s market for advice and inspiration.

  6. We may feel more sluggish during the colder months (particularly as this is the perfect time for comfort food). Warming, stimulating herbs are great for this time of year to help improve our digestion, circulation and immune system. Herbs such as ginger, turmeric with black pepper, cinnamon, cloves and rosemary are perfect in teas or added to stews and soups.

  7. Set your morning routine - as the nights draw in, our morning routines become very important. Exercising and doing our self-care routines in the morning can help prepare us for the day ahead. It is also often easier to do this in the morning rather than the evenings when we are tired and it is dark and we just want to go home and hibernate.

  8. Boost your immune system - burning essential oils of eucalyptus, clove and thyme can be very useful at this time as they are powerful antiviral and antibacterial herbs. Adaptogenic herbs help support the body during periods of physical and mental stress. They are also tonifying and support the immune system. Herbs such as Ashwaganda, Gotu Kola and Ginseng can be taken for several weeks to support your system.*

  9. Go inwards - this is a great time to hibernate and indulge in moments of introspection

  10. Embrace the change - go with the flow of the seasons and feel comfortable knowing that what worked for us in summer won’t necessarily work for us in autumn/winter - this might include foods, exercise regimes and levels of socialising - embrace the change.

*Avoid taking adaptogenic herbs if you do catch a a cold, as they may potentate the cold symptoms.

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