Mini At Home Facial

Ground rice, linseed and almond oil

Ground rice, linseed and almond oil

It has rained for the past two days which is the ideal time for a little at home facial. I love using natural, simple ingredients in my skincare as I can adjust them to suit my particular needs.

I have a tendency towards dry skin however, since moving to Barbados and with the absence of cold weather and central heating, my skin has felt a lot more naturally moisturised. These recipes were chosen to exfoliate the skin and draw out impurities.

You will need:
Almond oil (approximately 30ml)
6 or 7 Rose buds
1/2 tsp Green clay
1/2 tsp ground brown rice
1/2 tsp ground linseed
Orange essential oil
Cooled rose bud/petal infusion (50ml)
Cotton pads
Large bowl
Organic muslin cloth

Gently cleanse the skin with a small amount of almond oil (or a base oil or cleanser of your choice) Steam Place 2 or 3 rose buds in a bowl of freshly boiled water. (You don't have to add herbs, I was feeling fancy). Allow the water to cool slightly and hold your face over the bowl, allowing the steam to open your pores. Keep your face in the steam for about 5-10 minutes.

Green clay and orange oil

Green clay and orange oil

Rose buds

Rose buds

Mix together the brown rice, linseed and 1tsp of almond oil. Gently massage the mixture into the face in circular motions. Don't forget to exfoliate your lips too. Place the muslin cloth in warm water and use it to gently remove the exfoliating mix.

Mix 1/2 tsp of green clay, orange essential oil and 1 tsp of water into a smooth paste. I added orange essential oil to my mix for hydration. If you don't have orange essential oil. you can use finely grated orange peel or leave out the essential oil altogether. If you would prefer a more moisturising clay mix, you can use a base oil instead of water to make the paste. Apply the mixture to the face. If you have sensitive skin, you can apply it just to problem areas such as the forehead or stubborn spots. Leave the clay for 5-10 minutes. Place the muslin cloth in warm water and use it to gently remove the clay.

Use the cool rose infusion on cotton pads to tone the skin and reduce the pores.

Moisturise a small amount of almond oil into the face in circular motions. Don't forget under the chin and the neck.

Prepare for the envious looks when people see your glowing skin.


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