Get Comfortable with Uncertainty
Our everyday lives are filled with a considerable amount of uncertainty. How we choose to react may determine how we weather the storm.
Mini At Home Facial
It has rained for the past two days which is ideal for a little at home facial.
What to expect from a Cranio-Sacral Therapy Session
Although Cranio-Sacral Therapy is a very gentle modality, it takes a different approach to many other therapies and this can be quite daunting for some people who haven't experienced it before. With that in mind, I have answered some of the commonly asked questions about the CST treatment process.
To the Week That Was...
After a self-prescribed week of no training to heal an injury, I was ready to rip someone’s head off. But I came to realise that health is a balance of doing the things that make us feel good and doing nothing so we can hear what our bodies need to feel good.
To the Year That Was
You can't help but feel a huge sense of awe and gratitude when you sit in the grounds of Codrington College. However, today was especially magical because it was the last Sense - Mindfulness Session of 2019
When I Grow Up
I was fortunate to spend time in the company of some sprightly onagenarians, overlooking the north coast in St Lucy. In their 90’s, these women possessed a grace and spirit that was remarkable and inspiring.
Healing Plants of the Ancestors
This year marks ten years since I qualified as a Medical Herbalist. When I was planning to move to Barbados, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to source the herbs I was familiar with using and that I would be lost with the local herbs. During her recent lecture, the Healing Plants of the Ancestors, Dr Sonia Peter highlights how we are in danger of losing our biocultural knowledge.
Cranio-Sacral Awareness Week Reflections
And just like that Cranio-Sacral Therapy Awareness Week comes to a close.
Express Yourself
A few years ago, I realised I had stopped singing and laughing. I had essentially lost my voice. It was a gradual process, so I didn’t even notice it had happened, but I knew why it happened. I was in situations where I felt I couldn’t express my true desires, thoughts and emotions, mainly for fear they would be rejected or for disrupting the status quo. I had to make a choice to find my voice.
Heart to Heart
Why do couples who have been married for decades seemingly die within hours of each other? Why do we change our footsteps in sync with the person we are walking with? Could the answers lie in our heart beat?
The Sacral Space
Sacrum comes from the Latin “holy bone”. Cranio-Sacral Therapy enables us to connect with this sacred bone to produce profound effects on our physical, emotional and spiritual health.
The Emotional Body
Modern disciplines of medicine have changed the way we think about and measure emotions. Branches such as psychoneuroendocrinology are helping us to understand, not only the way our emotions affect our own bodies, but also how our emotions can affect or be affected by others.
The Dolly Principle
As many of us have, I have been indoctrinated with the mindset that work has to be gruelling, monotonous and stressful, and anything that deviates from that is wrong.
Work patterns, habits and locations have changed significantly in recent years, but has our conscience followed suit?
When Technology is Not Right for your Business
I am fortunate to have the perspective of a 'service provider' and all the joys and challenges it brings. Technology is excellent in helping to bring about more joyful moments but when human error comes into play, technology can be destructive for a business.
The Caribbean Wellness Day
The Caribbean Wellness Day on Saturday was incredible - spending the day giving treatments and meeting amazing people.
Social Media Detox Day
My phone had become an extension of my arm and the constant notification sounds, flashing lights and vibrations had become addictive. I feared my happiness, sadness, anger, compassion were being dictated by an algorithm. Real, heart-felt interactions were being replaced by miscommunications and misunderstandings.
On Being In A Relationship With Myself
It is written in many self-help books and spoken as a mantra in many weepy rom-com movies that, "you cannot truly love someone else, unless you learn to love yourself". But what does this look like? How long would you last in a relationship with yourself?